Comparing the burner with photos in the handbook I noticed that the burner chamber was missing an endstop plate. Didn't see it when it was cleaned last month. This may be causing the high build up of ash most of which seems to be charred pellets. Probably means that I am burning more pellets than I should. Savings over LPG in January are still good though being 51% lower than LPG was.
A couple of days later I found the missing endstop buried in ash at the back of the boiler chamber and took out the burn pot to replace it. Discovered that there was a hole in the side of the burn pot where it looks as though the steel has melted through. The manufacturers are replacing this under warranty and have advised that it is safe to use it in the meantime.
All ok otherwise. With regular cleaning it seems to run better. Ash level lower now that the endstop is on. Heating on a lot more due to the cold weather so burning a lot more pellets. Still making a considerable saving over LPG. Ordered another ton of pellets. This time they sent a smaller lorry which was able to get up the drive. Just as well as the rain came on as I started to move the bags into the store. Didn't take too long.